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Home » The Modric Saga: Bad Reputation for Spurs

The Modric Saga: Bad Reputation for Spurs

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You risk upsetting good players when you place at the back of their mind that s club is standing in their way, this is exactly what is happening with the Modric saga. If you made an agreement with a player then suddenly go back on your word then you are sending a message to other players: BEWARE OF SPURS.

The only way to salvage that reputation is to let Modric go and make an apology to other players who are now scared to come to Spurs. It’s one thing to sign a contract and another to sign a slavery bond.
Footballers are not slaves and if my club treated a player like spurs are doing with Modric I would be the first to say we are wrong. You can’t hold a player against is will in this modern age, especially when the rest of the world is looking. The FA has not said anything openly about this, maybe I am naive about football rules, but it still doesn’t make sense to me how a player can say he wants to go, yet the club says he can’t.

The boy is ill because his future is in doubt. Harry has seen what is happening, and thanks to him being reasonable and understanding he has come out to admitted the truth that he shouldn’t be stopped. You can lead a horse to the water but you can’t force it to drink – as the wise saying goes.

Players should be in dread of what is happening to Modric. You just can’t imagine that such a thing can occur in the modern game, I understand that he is a great help to the team, but that is not the way to appreciate a player who has represented your club and done a good job for you.

Great players have left great teams. Is it fair enough to name your price and make it high to scare off others, but to say that even if he puts in a transfer request he wont be allowed to leave is absolutely ridiculous.  To say it is because of the money is just being insulting, Modric plays not just for money but for the love of the English game, had it been the former he would have gone to Russia or France where money is being thrown around.

Every team would love Modric to play for them, but he and every other player should play where they want to. Modric wants Chelsea, which is good for us, but if it was Manchester United he wanted I wouldn’t think otherwise!!! Other teams have signed good players and we are not afraid of the challenge.

Spurs still has ten days to come clean, Chelsea are making it easier as they have a high valuation of the player – which is right. It has even been mouthed that we are willing to give Benayoun as part of the deal, which I think is wrong. But if it oils the deal then no problem, so long as Benayoun wants to go to Spurs.

If he goes we will miss him, but one player to go would fair enough especially if it means Spurs make the deal.

If Spurs are allowed to stop Luka moving, then other teams in the league will follow and good players will have a reason not to come and play in England – I may just be naive, but I am worried about the future …

By Stan Blue

13 responses to “The Modric Saga: Bad Reputation for Spurs”

  1. rooomage Avatar

    Perfectly correct.
    Honoring a contract is not the issue. If Modrich was surplus to requirement wont Spurs not wish to sell him? So a contract legal bond between two or more parties. However any of the party also has right to renegotiate or withdraw though with mutual consent of all parties.

  2. Alan Frank Avatar
    Alan Frank

    The only naive person in this whole saga was Moderic's agent allowing his client to sign a 5 year deal without including the 'private conversation' between the player and Levy with regards for a 'bigger club' coming in for him. He should have got Spurs to include a £30m buy out clause in that contract. As for Benayoun and us 'missing him' I would love to agree with you but as the poor guy is currently wasting his time under AVB at the moment (2 mins against Stoke and not used at all against West Brom). Good article though mate….

  3. Gary Avatar

    You’re absolutely right; if Tottenham does not let Modric go players will fear going there. If it stays like this it’s not good for Tottenham or the Premiership. But I suspect that Levy knows this and has been stalling just to get a better price. I think Chelsea will put in a final bid and that will show what Levy is really made of. I don’t believe he will say no, Modric has done so much for Tottenham; if anyone there deserves respect he does.

  4. OldGlenn Avatar

    What part of “not for sale ” is it you Chelski-idiots don´t understand? It´s not up to Luka, it´s not up to Chelski, it´s only up to Spurs & hes not for sale!!!!

  5. Gary Avatar


  6. ADAM Avatar

    I can tell you one thing, this hasnt made levy or spurs look good at all by going back on a gentlemens agreement. it desnt make tottenham look strong coz they dont want to sell, its quite the contrary. they are scared of losing good plyers and not replacing them and this is true. spurs havent made a decent signing and probably wont, no one wants to play there. they are only getting worse and worse. just let modric come to chelsea like he wants get some money out of it and hopefully buy SOMEONE. STUPID SPURS

  7. Glenn Avatar

    What are you talking about, man? Is this irony? Huh???

  8. Mes Avatar

    Do you remember the days when you used to be a football club? Before you were an oil franchise that is. Do you think Ray Wilkins, John Hollins, Micky Droy etc. would have tried to walk out on contracts or do you think they would have honoured them? There is an old phrase that says you have to be a gentleman to have a gentleman's agreement.

  9. John Thomas Avatar
    John Thomas

    Complete garbage

  10. HullManiac Avatar

    Sigh. Let me put it as simply as I can. Modric, in May 2010, signed a six-year contract, that would see him tied to the clib till 2016. During this time, the club agreed to pay him an unspecified amount(i.e, his wages) per week in return for his services. That is what a contract is all about-a written, authoritative document that states exactly how long the player has pledged his services to the parent club, and for what remuneration. Now, one year into a six-year deal, and after much, much tapping up(which IS illegal, by the way) the player declares he wants to move and expects Spurs to break the terms of his contract to let him. Chelsea offer a truly derisory amount as an opening bid, and despite Levy's immediate rebuttal and confirmation of the fact that Modric was not for sale, continue to leak stories of alleged Modric bids and impending ones to the press(more tapping up) in order to further unsettle the player. Now, there is absolutely nothing illegal or unethical in what Spurs are doing;they are holding on to their prized asset, which they have every right to do, as his contract binds him to them till 2016. They are determined to build a team that can challenge at the top; Modric is integral to those plans. To expect him to just be given up by Spurs without a murmur is stupid, ignorant and imbecilic, to say the least. Secondly, all this nonsense about players afraid to come to Spurs is pure apple-sauce of the most unhinged and desperate kind. A young prospect, Souleymane Coulibaly, signed for them during the height of the saga- was he afraid Spurs would never let him move when he became a great player? It looks like Spurs will sign Diarra and Adebayor. Do they seem afraid to commit to Spurs? The simple fact is if Spurs pay their wages and offer them an opportunity to challenge at or near the top of the English league pyramid, they will come. Spurs are an exciting prospect at the moment-top four challengers, potential cup winners, a great squad, some fantastic young talent and a decent wage structure. They will remain so even if(as I expect) they keep Modric and force him to play. Because it's their RIGHT TO DO SO.

  11. George Avatar

    Or players may wish to come to Spurs knowing that a team won't be broken up by rat-faced, tapped up, agent driven turds like Modric. Personally I would like him sold abroad or suspend him without wages.

  12. Ronyid Avatar

    Sorry but where is the evidence of this supossed gentlemens agreement??? so how does one look bad by not agreeing to somthing that does not exist???
    D.L has said that the player is not for sale on three occasions.
    Spurs will be seeking compensation on this!

  13. Finn Avatar

    No-one wants to see the other side of this. Two of the countries top central defenders, Ledley King and Woodgate both had their contracts honoured bt Spurs even tho' they could barely play few hgames a season. Their wages were paid as were Modrics all the while he was healing and rehabilitating after his broken leg.

    If Modric wants to break his contract should he not worry if when he's 29 or 30 he gets a knee problem and his club tell him to fuck off despite having 3 more years on a contract?

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13 thoughts on “The Modric Saga: Bad Reputation for Spurs”

  1. Perfectly correct.
    Honoring a contract is not the issue. If Modrich was surplus to requirement wont Spurs not wish to sell him? So a contract legal bond between two or more parties. However any of the party also has right to renegotiate or withdraw though with mutual consent of all parties.

  2. The only naive person in this whole saga was Moderic's agent allowing his client to sign a 5 year deal without including the 'private conversation' between the player and Levy with regards for a 'bigger club' coming in for him. He should have got Spurs to include a £30m buy out clause in that contract. As for Benayoun and us 'missing him' I would love to agree with you but as the poor guy is currently wasting his time under AVB at the moment (2 mins against Stoke and not used at all against West Brom). Good article though mate….

  3. You’re absolutely right; if Tottenham does not let Modric go players will fear going there. If it stays like this it’s not good for Tottenham or the Premiership. But I suspect that Levy knows this and has been stalling just to get a better price. I think Chelsea will put in a final bid and that will show what Levy is really made of. I don’t believe he will say no, Modric has done so much for Tottenham; if anyone there deserves respect he does.

  4. What part of “not for sale ” is it you Chelski-idiots don´t understand? It´s not up to Luka, it´s not up to Chelski, it´s only up to Spurs & hes not for sale!!!!

  5. I can tell you one thing, this hasnt made levy or spurs look good at all by going back on a gentlemens agreement. it desnt make tottenham look strong coz they dont want to sell, its quite the contrary. they are scared of losing good plyers and not replacing them and this is true. spurs havent made a decent signing and probably wont, no one wants to play there. they are only getting worse and worse. just let modric come to chelsea like he wants get some money out of it and hopefully buy SOMEONE. STUPID SPURS

  6. Do you remember the days when you used to be a football club? Before you were an oil franchise that is. Do you think Ray Wilkins, John Hollins, Micky Droy etc. would have tried to walk out on contracts or do you think they would have honoured them? There is an old phrase that says you have to be a gentleman to have a gentleman's agreement.

  7. Sigh. Let me put it as simply as I can. Modric, in May 2010, signed a six-year contract, that would see him tied to the clib till 2016. During this time, the club agreed to pay him an unspecified amount(i.e, his wages) per week in return for his services. That is what a contract is all about-a written, authoritative document that states exactly how long the player has pledged his services to the parent club, and for what remuneration. Now, one year into a six-year deal, and after much, much tapping up(which IS illegal, by the way) the player declares he wants to move and expects Spurs to break the terms of his contract to let him. Chelsea offer a truly derisory amount as an opening bid, and despite Levy's immediate rebuttal and confirmation of the fact that Modric was not for sale, continue to leak stories of alleged Modric bids and impending ones to the press(more tapping up) in order to further unsettle the player. Now, there is absolutely nothing illegal or unethical in what Spurs are doing;they are holding on to their prized asset, which they have every right to do, as his contract binds him to them till 2016. They are determined to build a team that can challenge at the top; Modric is integral to those plans. To expect him to just be given up by Spurs without a murmur is stupid, ignorant and imbecilic, to say the least. Secondly, all this nonsense about players afraid to come to Spurs is pure apple-sauce of the most unhinged and desperate kind. A young prospect, Souleymane Coulibaly, signed for them during the height of the saga- was he afraid Spurs would never let him move when he became a great player? It looks like Spurs will sign Diarra and Adebayor. Do they seem afraid to commit to Spurs? The simple fact is if Spurs pay their wages and offer them an opportunity to challenge at or near the top of the English league pyramid, they will come. Spurs are an exciting prospect at the moment-top four challengers, potential cup winners, a great squad, some fantastic young talent and a decent wage structure. They will remain so even if(as I expect) they keep Modric and force him to play. Because it's their RIGHT TO DO SO.

  8. Or players may wish to come to Spurs knowing that a team won't be broken up by rat-faced, tapped up, agent driven turds like Modric. Personally I would like him sold abroad or suspend him without wages.

  9. Sorry but where is the evidence of this supossed gentlemens agreement??? so how does one look bad by not agreeing to somthing that does not exist???
    D.L has said that the player is not for sale on three occasions.
    Spurs will be seeking compensation on this!

  10. No-one wants to see the other side of this. Two of the countries top central defenders, Ledley King and Woodgate both had their contracts honoured bt Spurs even tho' they could barely play few hgames a season. Their wages were paid as were Modrics all the while he was healing and rehabilitating after his broken leg.

    If Modric wants to break his contract should he not worry if when he's 29 or 30 he gets a knee problem and his club tell him to fuck off despite having 3 more years on a contract?

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