What Chelsea voted for as Premier League decide to keep VAR after Wolves appeal

What did Chelsea vote for following Wolves appeal against VAR?

This past week all the teams in the Premier League voted on the future of VAR after the Wolves made an appeal against the system. The result was as expected and 19 out of the 20 PL teams including Chelsea voted to retain VAR. The only vote against the system was understandably made by Wolves.

The intervention of VAR has led to a lot of frustration lately, especially for the fans. So Wolves appeal made perfect sense, however, what most people didn’t account for is the fact that the PL would put forward terms to improve the system ahead of the next season.

It is being reported that VAR will cause fewer interventions in the future, and delays to the game will also be reduced. The league will also be working with PGMOL to train referees on VAR and get more accurate results in the future.

This is not even all of it, the Premier League has also promised that there will be more clarity and transparency with VAR which should lead to less speculation from the fans over certain decisions. Chelsea and all the other Premier League clubs apart from Wolves will be happy to see the PL making improvements to VAR.

While VAR can be disruptive at times, it is a step in the right direction. In fact, even the fans think so and the only complaints they’ve had against the system is because of how inconsistently it is used across football. Some days the referees give away penalties for certain plays then next week VAR does absolutely nothing when the same play is made. It is this consistency that needs to be rooted out of the system.

A failed appeal for Wolves. (Photo by Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images)
A failed appeal for Wolves. (Photo by Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images)

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For the time being Chelsea, Wolves and all the other teams in PL will have to manage with VAR and see where it leads them.